Wednesday, 1 August 2018

These Two Guys

Dedication and focus.

These two guys committed to the idea of a political literary play and stuck to it.

Bill Pritchard's Address to the Jury has been a success on every front.  The audiences loved it.  It was beautifully staged.  It was socially important.  And it was entertaining, for those in the know about Manitoba socialist literature and history.

After every presentation of the play, a few folks sought James or Dale - looking for insight and wanting to touch the minds of the ones who shared the story.

Behind the scenes - Nancy and Hayley watched each show.  We watched it grow and spread its message.  Theater-goers who did not stay to chat walked out pensive, thoughtful.  Truly, for the less familiar, it may be a play that needs more than one viewing (and we had several repeaters in the audience), or perhaps a read through.  It contains lots of subtlety, and The Speaker's mind does dart awry a few times, as might any sage prof who is knitting his own experiences with the truths that conventional history has documented.

These two guys.

Watch for their next show.  Yes.  There will always be another.